QB ACADEMY: August 12 & 13, Ages 8-13
Intro To Playing Quarterback Intensive Skills Camp. Limited to 8 participants for MAXIMUM teaching!!
Service Description
Coach Smith is a former Division 1 Quarterback, HS Coach and Certified Leadership Trainer with the John Maxwell TEAM. He is also a published author of his best selling book, The Winning Edge Way, How To Be A 3-Dimensional Competitor. Skills Taught At Coach Smith's Academies FOOTWORK * Functional QB Movement, Drops & Pocket Mobility BALL MECHANICS *Hand Off, Play Action & RPO (run-pass option) mechanics THROWING - In Depth *Proper Throwing Mechanics (including pocket throws & throwing on the run) THEORY *Understanding the proper 'mind-set' of a quarterback QUARTERBACK IQ *Defensive recognition, Football IQ, Situational Football DRILLS *Drills for self-improvement including an 'Off-Season' Curriculum LEADERSHIP *What is leadership? Why is it important? And most importantly, how to EXECUTE it! From a leadership perspective, you will learn what it means to 'BE A QUARTERBACK' , not just an athlete who's 'playing the QB position' Visit https://www.winningedgeskills.com/ to learn more Location of Camp will be at Miller Fields on the NC State Campus, Raleigh, NC
Contact Details
Miller Fields, Raleigh, NC, USA